1. It was my husbands birthday weekend
2. we were celebrating our anniversary
3. I had 4 cookie orders this week
4. I had no time to buy fruit and veggies
5. eating out was easier
6. it was girls night
I could go on and on....
BUT I am not going to. I could have made a tiny bit of time and got things done. YES I have been busy and it was really tough but it is not that tough. I have credited my self with making the time to get fit these past 3 months and LOVE my progress, I am not letting my goals get away from me. I should have done more.
I am making up for the squats and crunches that I have missed. I am going to try to get some walking in at some point, drinking water and really need to start tracking my food intake again.
I did not weigh in yesterday. I decided to wait until next week to see how it goes. It is what it is. I am responsible and proud to make these changes.