Thursday, October 18, 2012

Taking Responsibility

I have a bunch of excuses on why the past week wasn't good for working out, eating right or weight loss.
1. It was my husbands birthday weekend
2. we were celebrating our anniversary
3. I had 4 cookie orders this week
4. I had no time to buy fruit and veggies
5. eating out was easier
6. it was girls night
I could go on and on....

BUT I am not going to. I could have made a tiny bit of time and got things done. YES I have been busy and it was really tough but it is not that tough. I have credited my self with making the time to get fit these past 3 months and LOVE my progress,  I am not letting my goals get away from me. I should have done more.

I am making up for the squats and crunches that I have missed. I am going to try to get some walking in at some point, drinking water and really need to start tracking my food intake again. 

I did not weigh in yesterday. I decided to wait until next week to see how it goes. It is what it is. I am responsible and proud to make these changes.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

10 Years Together

This weekend marks 10 years since Greg and I made it official and started dating. I can't believe how much we have gone through in that time. 

Greg and I met at work when we both worked at Wal-Mart. We were not even friendly at first, then we became work friends. After a while we decided to grab dinner at the diner and work on college homework with out anyone one else around. - still wasn't a date. LOL We were hanging out a lot as friends and then finally Greg took me on a date. We went to Olive Garden and it was semi awkward. All of a sudden I was nervous and things were different. With in weeks I said a phrase which was way to soon, but out of my mouth it came "I love my boyfriend".  Greg smiled and we joked about it, but it was true. I knew from that day on I loved Greg and still do. 

I just knew it was meant to be. We dated for years before we moved in together and then we were engaged for Christmas of 2006 and Married in November of 2008.

We are now a family of 3 with Rocco's birth in 2012. I feel so lucky to have a man like Greg. 
From Rocco's Baptism in May 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My First 5k!

In July I decided it was time to do something about my health. I saw a pic of myself and thought it had to be someone else. I wished it was someone else, but no it was me. My body has changed with having my son. I wouldn't give him up for the world but I would like to change how my body is reacting to weight and bloating. 

So with that picture (which I may share someday) I decided to join weight watchers went for a walk the next day. I didn't get far. I made it about a 1/2 mile with Rocco in his stroller. But I did it again and again until now where I can walk a lot further with out feeling like kneeling over. 

My friend Kim P over at has been a huge inspiration for me over the past few years. She told me she was doing this 5k back in August. I had just started getting into working out and walking and wash't sure if I could do it. I was thinking about it and thinking about it then finally I just clicked the link and signed up. I had a goal; to FINISH. I knew I wouldn't be first, I would be ok with last place, but I just wanted to FINISH. 

And FINISH I did! I beat my own personal times and felt like a rock star. 

My friend Kathy (blue hat) came to cheer me on. As well as my husband and our son. The lovely lady in black with me is Kim P. HUGE thanks to her for being so supportive and being there for me at the finish to welcome me in! 

I am considering another 5k next month on Thanksgiving - called a Turkey Trot. What a way to start the day that most people eat thru. Also, I might try the Couch to 5k program to help me with my speed and running thru more of the 5k then I did on this race. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

October Goals

I have completed making a list of my October Goals and wanted share them. I changed it up and categorized the areas of things to complete.

Complete first 5k
Do the Crunch Diva challenge for October
Complete 41 miles in October
Lose 10lbs
Consider / sign up for Turkey Trot

Leisure / Craft
Read 2 books
Complete block of month for Crochet Class
Make Rocco a hat for his Halloween costume
Pumpkin Hat for Rocco
Pink / White hats for Kylie
4 scarves for the Church Sale
Have 2 Date Nights with Greg
Update Book Blog

Baking / Cooking
Make 20 cookies for Church sale
Try 4 new recipes
Complete all orders for October
Host Coffee Hour for Church

Clean out my closet
Childproof all areas
Make Christmas shopping / crafting list

Pretty ambitious for this month but fingers crossed having my new planner and being organized I can get it all done!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Friend Making Monday

I haven't participated in Friend Making Monday from All The Weigh in a long time and wanted to join in. If you want to join in just copy and paste the questions on your blog, add your answers and then link it back to All The Weigh. 

Uniquely You

1) Do you prefer to talk or text? Texting! 
2) How often do you make your bed? I wish it was everyday but more like every other day. 
3) What sounds do you hear right now? My dog snoring and the TV has Bones on it right now
4) List three things that you always carry with you. iPhone, chapstick,  2 quaters (since I was a kid my mom / grandparents insisted I have money for a pay phone.. lol still do it to this day just incase!)
5) What are your favorite TV shows? Walking Dead, Bones, How I Met Your Mother, Ellen, New Girl, Vampire Diaries, CSI (vegas and NY), Criminal Minds - and more. 
6) Is there a hobby that you’d like to devote more time to? If so, what is it? Reading and crochet. I haven't had enough time for either lately. But I love both! 
7) What is your favorite drink? Coffee and Iced Tea
8) Share a couple of cool facts about your family. My Papa and I go to church together, my sisters are 9 and 14, we have always had a dog in our household.
9) List one thing that you will do for yourself today. Work out!
10) Share something that you’re thankful for today. My Husband and his dedication to our family.