I am sitting at my desk, at work typing this up. I am bummed that I am working and my hubby is off. However good things are happening at our house right now. Such as the AC being put into the living room and also the bedroom, and the wash is being completed!
I had an exciting weekend. So I should not really complain.
After work on Friday a few friends met up for Happy Hour at Gumpy Jack's in Port Jefferson. We then had everyone back at our house for the evening. It was an impromptu move, but we had a blast.
Saturday, I tried to go to Old Navy for $1. Flip Flops however it was a MAD HOUSE. I left after seeing the line that was averaging up to 2 hour wait. I was thinking to my self - what is this Disney World on spring break!? Forget that.. Greg said he would give me the difference of the sale if I would go back alone and buy them another day. LOL sounds good to me! Saturday night we went to a BBQ at Lisa's house. Unfortunately after about 4 hours we had to leave, I had an awful headache, nearing migraine status. I slept for 11 1/2 hours and it was gone in the morning.
Sunday Greg and I got dirty in the bedroom.. seriously. LOL we cleaned and cleaned then organized and made it habitable! I hemmed our curtains. He hung pictures. We removed the old TV and tossed things that were just not needed. I washed the comforter and sheets, and made a bag of items to donate. Following that we headed to Greenport. There was little to no traffic! I was so happy about that. We ate an early dinner late lunch on the dock at Grumpy Jack's at Claudio's. It was a great afternoon. There was a band playing and intermittently there were Bag Pipers. It was a beautiful day, and did not drizzle till we were almost home!
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