Yup.. you got it. I am blogging about NKOTB.
I saw them a bunch of times back in the late 80's at Nassau Coliseum and at Jones Beach. I was young and in LOVE with Donnie. ::sigh:: I thought he was the best thing EVER. We are talking posters on the wall. Begging my family to tape performances on the VCR when I was in school or it was after my bed time. I had all the merchandise, blanket, pillow cases, sheets, sleeping bag, 6" buttons, water bottles, gum, trading cards, action figures, posters... the list goes on and on.
My love for them is still alive and kicking. When there were rumors about a reunion tour I was the dork watching the Today show when they were performing and announced it. I went to the September 24, 2008 show with my 3 best friends. We had a blast. It was a great show. Now They are coming back around for the Full Service Tour and will be at Jones Beach next week. I have tickets and I can not wait. It will be 2 days before my birthday so it is a gift to myself. I am going with 2 of my friends this time. I am so
Excited that it is almost here!!!
Kim I LOVE that you blogged about NKOTB. I love them forever.
I too an a New Kids lover! I used to talk to my Jordan poster every night and ask him when he was coming to marry me? Haha! I am going to the concert Friday and cant wait!
I am going to see them tomorrow night at Jones Beach!
I had the sleeping bag too! Jonathan was my boy though! They were my first concert at Nassau Collisseum when I was in 1st grade haha.
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