I have come to realize I like ALL holidays! I love to hear the music, or just decorate! The pictrue above was created by my hubby, "Thug Kim". LOL
So far I have no plans except for spending time with my little sisters tomorrow. I do not have a costume and I am bummed! Bummed enough, that I might *try* and find one on my lunch today. My home is dressed up (inside) for Halloween. I would do the outside, but we rent and I can not. Boooo! I am sitting at work and listening to a 'spooky Halloween' playlist on my iPod. LOL I can not wait to see what tomorrow brings. Then it is time to take down the Halloween decor and put up the Fall / Thanksgiving items.
I have way too many decorations for individual holidays, and I am a sucker for stores that have Holiday related merchandise. Lately as I have expanded my cooking skills and have been trying lots of new things, I find myself flipping through magazines of holiday food items. I feel like quiet the little housewife.