Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wedding Thoughts

Coming up on our First Wedding Anniversary has made me start reminiscing about our wedding day and the process to get there.
Listening to the radio today the DJ was talking about if it is a good idea to live together or not before a couple becomes married.
-My thoughts on this is that I am so happy that we did. Although we are still working some kinks out (but then again what couple doesn't have kinks to work on! LOL), we had really adapted to each other very well before we were married. I think that it is important to know, really know and understand the person that you are making this commitment to.

When we had our 22 month engagement there were people who thought I was crazy for the details that we were putting into the wedding.
-Now finally being done with the whole process and receiving our Wedding Film from Pennylane Productions, I am so happy I didn't listen to a single word that people said. Seeing how everything came together made me so happy.

Although, I am sad that the process of getting married is over, I am so happy to say that we will soon be nearing our First Anniversary. We have had our arguments/disagreements, along the way but nothing that is not able to be fixed. I can not wait to celebrate with Greg and start working towards our second anniversary.

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