My Mom has always made great meals but I love her Gravy and love when she would send me home with a Tupperware full of it with sausage and meatballs. I felt like it was my turn to learn and asked her to show me next time she was making it. There is NO recipe for it, I think it is more of a process or art form. It calls for "about this much chopped onion and garlic", "a handful of...." "a little bit of...." (You get the idea).
I managed to immediately cut myself opening a can of crushed tomatoes. Which then Mom said "Watch the sauce!" LOL. We made sausages and also meatballs during that time to add to the pot.
All in all I spent 5 hours at the house making it and letting it simmer on the stove. The commute home with my HUGE pot of Gravy was rough! Now Greg and I have so much sauce that we are freezing it and planning meals around it. Here was Sunday nights dinner: Fresh ravioli's from the Farmers Market with sausage and meatballs.

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