Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Keeping a Holy Lent

I do not talk about my faith that often on this blog but wanted to give mention that today starts Lent. I belong to Bay Shore United Methodist Church and have been a member since I am 8. As many people sacrafice many things for Lent they do not know the reasons why we do this. I have found a very "youthful" explanation of what Lent is at Lent 101 .

Here is what I am giving up planning for Lent:

1. Give up cursing (really something I should and need to do)
2. Cultivate a life of gratitude- show and tell people what they mean to me
3. Make a weekly donation to some of my favorite charities.
4. Start a prayer rhythm & Create a daily quiet time

Hope that everyone has a peaceful and thoughtful Lent!


Katy Mary said...

This reminds me of how much I have not been practicing my faith for so long. I don't know if I will give anything up for lent. I thought about giving up alcohol but with birthday parties and going away parties it might be really hard.

Kim said...

Katy - Believe me..I know what you mean about giving up alcohol. LOL Think of donating time, items or money to a charity that means something to you.
Write letters to the soliders or vetrans. Little things that make you feel good and someone else too!