Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My Latest Obsessions

1. the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc.
2. the idea, image, desire, feeling, etc., itself.
3. the state of being obsessed.
What a strong word Obsession is. It may be a bit dramatic but it will work for my Obsession  blogs! Below are some of the things that are hitting a nerve with me and making me obsess a bit.
1. The Royal Wedding of William & Kate
I have never really paid attention to anything that has to do with the Royal Family. I have never been to England, not much of a fan of William. But then the Engagement happened and I was semi-hooked. I started to listen to the news about the upcoming wedding and looked up some articles online about their nuptials. The wedding is this Friday. I work at 7am and you can bet that I will have the TV on to see what Kate wore what the ceremony was like and what the guest wore. I love weddings! I work part time in the wedding business and love all the details! I might have to recap what I saw next week
2. Coach and my 25% off coupon

Paisley Sunglasses

Audrey Seahorse Tote

Here they are my newest obsessions from Coach. I received the 25% off coupon and pre-purchased the Tote which I am picking up Friday. The sunglasses I had already purchased 2 weeks ago and they are crediting me the 25% off! Great customer service at Coach means that they get my repeat business. I shop at Coach Smithaven Mall and the service is top notch! Love them! I bought a couple other goodies also, such as flats and flip flops. I can't let a good coupon go to waste! Especially when I have some money set aside for it!

3. Helpful tips and insipration from The Sweet Sugarbelle's Blog

If you are a cookie decorator you need to see this blog! The Sweet Sugar Belle is someone who I found on Flickr when I was looking for ideas and just starting to do some cookie decorating. I have blogged about cookie orders and decorating before, but I don't think I ever mentioned this lovely blogger. I recently switched my glaze I made to her recipe and I could not be happier! Big Thanks Calley! You have given me so many helpful hints and tips! Next week I will be blogging my latest order and another small batch for my sister's birthday, both feature the new icing.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The End of Lent - Easter

Over 40 days ago I wrote my Lent Blog post. I mentioned in that post that I was not giving up anything for lent but was going to try and make some chnages with myself and donate more. Below is what I origionally wrote and then what I actually did.

Here is what I am giving up planning for Lent:

1. Give up cursing (really something I should and need to do)
I cut back a lot.
2. Cultivate a life of gratitude- show and tell people what they mean to me
I hand wrote more than 10 cards to let people know how I feel about them. I showed interest in others activities and try to learn more about my friends and family
3. Make a weekly donation to some of my favorite charities.
I made donations to
Susan G Komen (Breast Caner research)
Long Island 3 Day Walk for a Cure
4. Start a prayer rhythm & Create a daily quiet time
I can not say I have done this well enough. I am getting a start at it, but not a dail rhythm yet.
I read some articles and iformation on Lent. I participated in the Easter Service at my church and hosted Coffee Hour for the day.
I think that Religion is something very personal. Everyone has their own beliefs and ideas. I don't want to use this blog to influence people into my belief system. But I wanted to recognize that religion is important to my life. I try to recognize that I am not perfect- I may never be. However if I can improve something small about myself every day, then I am better than the day before.

Friend Making Monday!

If you've taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you're new, please take a moment to answer this week's question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section of ALL THE WEIGH blog so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it's time for this week's topic!

FMM: Today I....

Today I felt...exhausted from working on a couple cookies order this weekend along with busy Easter activities

Today I saw.... way too much coverage about the upcoming Royal Wedding. I couldn't stop watching Entertainment Tonight and The Insider

Today I ate... For breakfast a bagel, peice of Easter Bread for lunch and a salad with chicken for dinner

Today I kissed... My Papa and my husband

Today I bought... A chicken and some lettuce

Today I heard... The a lot of Army Wives in the background while working on some projects

Today I lost... my Patience while listening to someone else complain

Today I decided... I need to cut back on salt

Today I need... to get a good nights sleep 

Today I wish...I was off tomorrow- it is supposed to be 80 and sunny!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Top 2 Tuesday

The Top 2 Tuesday for this week is, "What do you collect?" Go on over to The Undomestic Momma and get involved in the Top 2 Tuesday!

1. I pick up a Starbucks mug for each state that I go to. I just got back (3 hours ago) from Nashville! This is the latest one that I have picked up. I love the ones that say state / area on them and a local theme.

2. Pens and Stationary. I have a large collection of pens. They are not specialty pens. I like new pens. I have about 50+ pens in a box. I have stopped buying them and stay away from the aisle at my local Target store. They always have the best kinds! As far as stationary goes, I am a hand written kind of girl. I love to write notes of Thanks or just a quick Hello. I recently went through what I had and got rid of some. I still had some from when I was 14 and in summer camp.

Friend Making Monday

Now it's time for Friend Makin' Mondays! If you've taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you're new, please take a moment to answer this week's question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section of KENZ'S Blog so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it's time for this week's topic!

FMM: The Grocery Store

1. Do you make a list when you go grocery shopping? Do you stick to it?  
I am a list maker! The iPhone "notes" app keep me on track. 

2. Do you buy more groceries when you're hungry?   
Oh god yes! I try to have lunch before I do my shopping.  

3. Coupons. Use 'em? 
I do! I cut them every Sunday. I have a small organizer that I keep in my pocketbook. I only cut and take out the coupons that I either *know* I would use or might use. I do not cut coupons for things I don't need or for things that are "junk" food. I am less likely to buy the items with out a coupon.

4. Have you ever complained to the manager of your grocery store?  
I don't think I have ever needed to do that. 

5. Do you like to buy groceries at huge chain stores like Wal-Mart and Target? Or do you shop exclusively at food stores?  
I will get some of the things I need at Wal-Mart. We have no Super Wal-Marts around here, so I get fruits and veggies at Whole foods or farmers markets depending on the season.

6. How much time do you spend reading labels in the grocery store?  
Not much. I don't but a lot of junk. But, I do grab "low sodium, non-fat, light" etc... before the regular versions.

7. Do you push your own grocery cart to the car and return it?
Sometimes- I am bad at this. My hubby does it every time.  

8. What is the one food item you always buy at the grocery store that you must have in the kitchen? 
Fruit, Crystal Light Iced Tea, Salad items

9. Do you enjoy grocery shopping? 
Yes. I do it on Sunday's while my Hubby is at his second job. 

10. How often do you shop for groceries?
Once a week on Sunday. Sometimes I will pick things up on my lunch break. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Top 2 Tuesday

It will be my first time posting a Top 2 Tueday (Shhh I know it is Wednesday). I recently stummled across this blog and it is really interesting! The Undomestic Momma talks about family life, tv shows, crafts, and personal stories. I am sure there is much more and I can not wait to dig in.

What are my top 2 drinks?

Starbucks Iced Coffe or Caramel Machhiato. I have one or the other everyday. I love getting that caffine inthe morning! I have the gold card (their rewards card) and believe I am semi addicted. LOL

At home I always have this on hand. Either Crystal Light or Walmart brand Peach Iced Tea. I do not drink soda at all, so this is what you will find in my fridge. Along with some kind of similar fruit based drink for the husband. He likes their Fruit Punch, Lemonade or Raspberry Ice.

As for the alcohol based drinks- I love Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay and Kettle One with cranberry juice.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Friend Making Monday!

If you've taken part in FMM then you know the rules. Head on over to All The Weigh and link your answers on your blog to hers! What a great way to meet new bloggers!

FMM: Everyday Things

1) What is your favorite part of an average day?  3pm! I get off of work and still have day light to get some things done!

2) Is there one food that you eat every single day?  Not a food that I eat, but I drink Starbucks every day

3) Are you an early bird, or do you prefer to sleep in late?  I am an early bird. I love being in bed by 10pm, so I tend to get up fairly early.

4) Share one thing that you're looking forward to doing this week.  ROAD TRIP to Nashville on Thursday! Then the Sugarland concert on Saturday.

5) What's for dinner this evening?  Chicken breast, sauteed veggies and a baked potato

You're My Obsession

Ahhhh another installment of my current obsessions. Here is a LINK to last months obsessions.
These items are diverse but they are keeping me very happy lately.  

Hummus and Edamame. I can not get enough Hummus lately. I love all flavors and the plain too!

Magazines! I have been borrowing them from the Library

Shellac! The newest nail craze! Have you tried it?

Receiving my Free drink coupons from Starbucks. I received 2 in one day! Wahoo!
 So what are your obsessions right now?

Friday, April 1, 2011

March Goals Recap and April Goals

March was a great month for goal completion! I was able to get a lot done and very excited with achieving some of these goals. So, lets recap:
  1. Read 3 books  Are You There Vodka?, The Art of Racing in The Rain and Believe it - Be it. You can read the book reviews on my second blog Kim's Book Blog
  2. 6 visits to my Gym Nailed it! 9 visits
  3. Finish 2 knitting projects & 2 Crochet projects 2 crochet and 1 knit project completed!
  4. Roast my first chicken or turkey  Made my first Turkey and from that turkey soup too!
  5. Bring lunch from home 3 days a week 19 lunches made from home and brought to work! Score!
  6. Print pics for frames at home (last months goal) BIG FAIL! (why can't I get this done) LOL
  7. Bake 75-100 cookies Made over 100!

  1. Read 3 books
  2. Bake 50 cookies
  3. Bake 200 mini cupcakes for Easter Sunday
  4. Try making Cake pops (trail run for next month)
  5. try 4 new recipes
  6. Bring lunch from home 4 days a week to work
  7. Complete 1 crochet or knit project
  8. 12 visits to the gym
  9. Get some $$$ into our savings account if possible
  10. Complete a menu for my sister Jackie's Communion Party