Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 Goals

Well here it is, a new decade! Can't believe that I am now in my 30's and ready for new adventures. Looking back at last years goals (see the previous blog post), posting it kept me on track. With that said, here is the new goals for 2011. I hope that you also will share your goals and how you strive to keep them!
  1. Go to 3 Concerts and/or take a couple day trips
  2. Be more fashionable - don't just dress for comfort
  3. Be a helpful, caring friend, wife, sister and family member
  4. Donate my time / money to causes I believe in
  5. Eat better and make healthier choices
  6. Use Cookbooks on hand to create better meals
  7. Be a better Blogger
  8. Less Internet when home or with family (including on phone& iPad)
  9. Look into college options for a BA
  10. Read more - strive for 3 books a month
  11. Be more organized
  12. Finish 30 while 30 list
  13. Lucky #13... do a 5K (yikes!)
Cheers to another great year!

1 comment:

Katy Mary said...

Good luck with all of your goals Kim. My major goal is to get fit and get out of debt :)