Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Janurary 2012!

Wahoo! It is a new year and I want to get off on the right foot, so with out further adieu here are my monthly goals:

1. Use the reading plan from Unity Chapel  and meet reading goals.
2. Read 2 books
3. Try 4 new recipes
4. Finish all work projects on my to do list before my maternity leave
5. Get my licence information changed
6. Finish 3 crochet hats for Baby Goz and 1 blanket for a friend
7. Turn in my application for the Lay Reader program
8. Wash all of Baby Goz's clothing and put away in new dresser
9. Find and download apps for baby 'tracking' of meals, naps and bowel movements
10. Get a Mani & Pedi before the big day!

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