Saturday, October 23, 2010

Kim in the Kitchen - Cookie Order

This year marks the 200th Anniversary of my church, Bay Shore United Methodist. I have been a member since I was 8. Sunday October 24th is the celebration. We are having a Pot Luck lunch, I decided to bring baked ziti and also cookies. It was mentioned that if I could do "200th" cookies it would be cute. So, that is what I did. Below are the some of the cookies that I made for this event.
small & large squares / crosses 

packed up and ready to go
It took a while to get 200 cookies baked, glazed and just basic decorating. I give tons of credit to the other cookie makers out there who do multiple orders in one week!
 I made these cookies along with the Church order. The Pink Ribbon with the "Thank You" tag were for my Hematologist office. I made 20 individual cookies wrapped.  I am there at least twice a week for treatments and they deserve something sweet for the excellent care they give. The "A" cookies were a small pack of 20 I made for Book Club. We read The Scarlet Letter this month and I figured... Why not! 


Katy Mary said...

These came out great!! Love them. I have never tried to decorate cookies before, it looks hard!

Kim said...

Thanks Katy, it is a lot of work- but like anything if you like it, you can enjoy it.

Kim @ NewlyWoodwards said...

These look so great! And yummy - mouth is definitely watering.

I've never tried sugar cookies before. I think I"m a little intimidated.