Wednesday, February 2, 2011


What a fast month! Here is how the goals for the month of January worked out:
  1. Read 3 booksI read 5 books! Check out my book blog for reviews at
  2. Make 4 meals using cook books I have home Fail! Didn't get 4 in but I tried.
  3. Crochet 3 hats 4 baby hats and 2 adult hats made
  4. Gym / work out twice a week Fail. We shoveled a lot of snow this month but no major work outs
  5. Go to Yoga twice this month Nope. 
  6. Find a curtain for the bedroom window Looks Great!!
  7. Eliminate 111 items from our home- donate what we can from them YAY! This helped us de-cluttered and clean the house
Now here we go for February 2011 Goals
  1. Read 3 books
  2. Make 4 meatless meals
  3. Keep to monthly Budget
  4. Print pictures for frames around house
  5. Make 2 crochet projects
  6. Plan something for Mom's Birthday
Hopefully the shortest month of the year will prove to be a good one and maybe less snow!

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