Monday, February 1, 2010

January Goals Recap

1. 12 days at the Gym (or working out)
Booooo!!! Hisssss!! I did not even come close. I had a good start and then, life happened!
2. Clean up and Organize work desk
Check! Looks good and has some new pictures on it too.
3. make 2 new recipes this month
Done :) I think I did 4 new recipes. I posted some on the blog. I did have 1 complete cooking nightmare this weekend. It was the kind of meal that you don't bother eating and order pizza! LOL
4. Organize the living room closet
Check! My hubby (Greg) really did most of the work and I finished up parts of it.
5. eBay 5 items
Cha-Ching! We made over $100.- by selling some items that were lingering around our place.
6. Blog weekly
Done ;) I am happy with my blog post for the month and plan on doing more on this blog and the Book Blog I have also.
7. Stick to spending plan (record spending)
Cha-Ching (again!) I did very well by doing this. I really saw where I could cut back and pay off some more bills and our pending vacation.
8. Organize and scrapbook more
Half done. I managed to organize the area and look forward to diving into scrapbooking again soon.
9. Print Disney pictures
Incomplete. I didn't print them, because I didn't start scrapbooking again. However, I did print other pictures for my desk and for some family members.

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