Saturday, April 10, 2010

Meet Lb (Bryan)

Meet Bryan. This is one of my best friends in the world. He is a really great guy and sometimes knows me better than I know myself. He is a straight-edge vegan, and stands up for what he believes in, which I really admire about him.
I met Lb I in early 2000. He was a friend of a friend and I am so happy we have become so close. Lb has introduced me to many new things; from music, to books, to lifestyle choices and TV shows / movies. He is the one who showed me Twitter and blogging. He knows a lot about electronics and computer systems. I love hanging out with him, and I am lucky that I do get to see him often. He likes Starbucks just as much as I do, so that helps too! There aren't too many people you can sit and not even have to talk to but enjoy your time with. I am really thankful he is in my life.

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