Monday, May 9, 2011

Friend Making Monday!

If you've taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you're new, please take a moment to answer this week's question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: All the Weigh so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. By linking back on Kenlie's blog, everyone will have an opportunity to be equally heard. Join in! It is fun!

FMM: If you could meet someone famous today, who would it be? And why?

I had to pick 2. I have been in a cooking and baking mode lately and these two people are really inspiring me in the kitchen.
 First is Bakerella she is an amazing and talented baking artist. She makes things that you can make at home. She is known for her Cake Pops and has a "how to" book out. I have tried making cake pops once and have plans to try again this weekend.

Secondly is Michael Symon. Chef Symon is a Food Network star. He host a couple of his own shows on Food Network and Cooking Channel; Food Feuds, Cook like an Iron Chef and is featured as an Iron Chef on Iron Chef America. Symon is a restaurant owner of multiple establishments in Ohio. I had the pleasure of eating at Lolita in September when I visited Cleveland. Symon also has a book out which my husband and I are looking forward to cooking our way through.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE Bakerella. Not only are her cake pops delicious, they are adorable and so customizable.
Her photo skills are something I envy as well!

I'm not as familiar with Michael Symon, but I am inspired to check him out!

Great choices.

Kim said...

You are right! She has a great eye! I have a little crush on Chef Symon and his amazing kitchen skills!