Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Friend Making Monday

I saw this on a blog that I have recently started to read called All The Weigh . It is Friend Making Monday... on Tuesday! lol I am a little late on the fun, but Hey! Who says we can't catch up! Thanks to Kenlie for having this idea!

1) What is your favorite movie?
I have a few favorites:  Dirty Dancing, Dazed & Confused, Ratatouille, SATC (1)... and a more LOL

2) If you could trade lives with an actor or actress for one day, who would you choose?  And why?
Sarah Jessica Parker! She lives in beautiful NYC condo, she must have a fabulous closet and shoes! I want to check it all out!

3) Who is your favorite actor/actress?
For the actors: Ben Affleck, Adam Sandler, Vince Vaughn and also Mark Wahlberg. I love to be entertained and they always do if for me. The Jennifer Aniston, Queen Latifa and Anne Hataway are some of my favorite actress.

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